Friday 22 April 2022

Thank you Allah

 Assalamualaikum to all reader, thank you so much for stay and read my writing.

To be honest, I’m not a good writer, and i always dream to be one. It’s okey to dream. For past few months, i feel so sad and feel like i’m at the stage of distrust myself and lost. Thank you Allah, and ramadhan have thought me to stay positive. Aku lebih dekat kan diri dengan Allah, cuba perbaiki diri. Alhamdullillah, satu2 Allah tolong, Allah bgi aku kesabaran yang aku rasa Ya Allah, terima kasih Ya Allah. Semoga terus istikamah Amin. 

Lepas berhenti kerja bulan 2 yangn lepas, im starting my new career at one of the small company. Yes small company, because i want to have new environment and new exposure. To be honest, i was so excited but then things was not turn out to be as plan. Yes. Not what i was expected it will be. One by one of their staff before me reisgn and i was the one who left. Until end of april fews week before Raya. I was so shock and speechless. The owner of the company which my boss, she want to return to Arab Saudi for Raya and told me to find different job, technically, she want me to quit. Alhamdulillah juga, memang aku nak berhenti because at the time aku tgh cari new job juga. Sangat2 bersyukur 2 job interview, one of it lepas and they already gave me the offer letter. Actuallu, aku takut sbb position tu sumpah agak tinggi juga la. Boleh ke aku buat? But my of my friend once said: choose what fear you the most, because you never know. Yeah betul. At this age aku kene explore and learn banyak benda. So that bila aku dah reach 30 or 40 aku dah lebih mantang dalam buat keputusan. Semoga aku kuat and mampu hadapi apa je. Amin. 

Next week aku start kerja baru, and aku sebenarnya baru lepasd jatuhh tangga tau. Pastu terseliuh la kaki kanan ni so susah la nk jalan laju. Okey tu tkde masalah. Masalahnya mcm mana aku nak drive Cik Kancil. And for your information, cik kancil ssaya tu manual. So i need to use my both leg to drive. Sakit la jawabnya. Lagi2 area KL ni. Berita gembira pun sampai. Betul la tu rezeki Allah. Tepat pda waktu. Sbb aku fikir mcm mn la nak gi keje ni, dah la first day, takkan nak MC plak. Dah fkir pakai grab gila la mahal, minta tolong cousin je lah. And past 2 day, dapt ws dari agent kreta, dia kata kereta dah alocate so boleh bayar deposit, yes bila dah depo tu few day dah dpt kreta. Masa tu tak terfikir lagi kereta dapt sebelum keje baru start. Okey la few day je minta tolong org hnatr. And surprisingly, today agent kata, dik esok cuti tk ? Ambik kereta esok boleh ? Perhh hati ni Allah je la tau. Syukur Ya Allah. Terima kasih Allah. Semoga lebih success, amin. Korang yang baca ni doa2 tau. Sama2 kita doa semoga dilimpahkan rezeki, rezeki yang tak disangka2, rezeki yang dapat bantu orang lain. Amin. Okey, tu je nak share. And sis nk bagitahu, percayalah dengan rezeki dan kuasa Allah. Semoga semua dilindungi dan sentiasa diberikan kesihatan. Amin. 

Semoga korang semua sihat and selamat hari raya. 



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Makin Dewasa

 Assalamualaikum and happy friday Alhamdulillah masih sihat and happy. Terima kasih ya Allah atas nikmat ini. Semoga lebih bersyukur. Amin. ...